Specialists in CCA Treated Gum Poles

Commondale Poles is based in Commondale, Mpumalanga and specialises in the sales of CCA treated gum poles and timber, for use in applications such as fencing, garden edging, droppers and thatching laths. All our poles conform to stringent SABS specifications, ensuring consistent quality, straightness and uniformity in size.

About Commondale Poles

Commondale Poles was founded in 1999 in the small village of Commondale, Mpumalanga with the aim of helping local farmers realise their full potential out of their farming enterprise. We are dedicated to producing poles treated to the highest standard and of lasting quality. Our main product range focuses on CCA treated gum poles. This is an effective way to protect your investment and give it more value.

All our poles are CCA treated and SABS approved. CCA stands for Copper, Chrome and Arsenic and is used to ensure that no timber-eating insects damage the poles. Great care and specialised skills are employed to select straight and usable poles to supply our plant and all trees selected for poles from Eucalyptus Grandis, making them outstanding quality.

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The soil in the Commondale region is red and rich and allows the Eucalyptus trees to flourish. These are the trees that we use for all our poles, resulting in outstanding quality poles that are long lasting.


We aim to be provide quality CCA treated poles to all our customers and we have gained a reputation in our community for delivering an excellent service at all times. Our clients can use our products with absolute confidence, knowing that all their pole requirements are being met by a company of professionals who deliver only the highest quality product standards at all times. Contact us today for more information or to order.